Friday, March 14, 2014


if you think that i don't miss him, you're crazy. if you think it doesn't hurt, you're wrong. if you think i don't have regrets, you're stupid. if you think i'm going to go back, you don't know me at all.

Monday, September 23, 2013

hard pills to swallow

when rick told me i was lovable.
when william told me there was nothing in me that would make him feel love.
which one do i believe.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

back to me

i love tattoos, and that i just made an appointment to continue work on my arm for my upcoming 33rd birthday.
i love summer and making time to be outside in nature and enjoy it.
i love when my daughter sings "twinkle twinkle little star," and it comes out as "tinkle" instead of "twinkle."
i love the hello kitty post it notes i picked up at target on clearance, and how they make me giggle when i put them on a serious document at work.
i love my ability to enjoy my sexuality.
i love when i can be there for friends.
i love making play dates for my daughter, because she gets so excited and happy to play with kids her own age.
i love going to the farmer's market with her on saturday mornings, and picking out new and exciting things with her.
i love being a working, bringing home the bread kinda momma. women are just as good as men, (and yes, sometimes better.)
i love how much i've been riding my mountain bike lately.
i love being in touch with my feminine, girly side.
i love shandy, even though i don't love the word. that is one tasty summer beverage.
i love picnics at washington park with girlfriends, and making a delicious panzanella (including herbs i grew) to share.
i love that the sunflowers i planted are growing, and that i have two left in my pots despite the dumb gardener mowing the ones i planted in the ground down.
i love my "free" nights, and the ability that gives me to get things done, so i can be completely with my child, enjoying her and having fun, when we are together.
i love twitter and the distraction it provides from doing work i just don't feel like completing at the moment.
i love writing, the honesty i have at it, and the clarity it sometimes provides me.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

i can't trust

i can't do it.
i can't feel nothing for him.
i feel so good when i am with him, because he is incredible. he is unlike any man i've ever met. i can't control the way he makes me feel. the compliments, when he tells me that he cares. the chemistry, the passion. the attention. it's an amazing feeling, that a man such as him, would say these things to me... to me.
but it's making me feel things for him.
these feelings that i am starting to have, they lead to other ones. and sometimes they lead to ones i don't like & have a hard time dealing with. ones that inevitably end up with me feeling alone, insecure, not good enough. when i see that he was with other women on facebook, i wonder who they are. i find myself comparing myself, even though i know, I KNOW, how silly and futile and ridiculous and anti feminist that is. i don't stalk, i don't want to look. but just a name or a picture can  make me feel this big. i find myself feeling deep down, that they must be prettier, nicer, better than me. they must have less baggage, and probably have their heads straight, too. yes, i can discern this all based on a single profile photograph on facebook.
clearly, this is a problem.
i don't know why i do it, and i don't know how to stop it. but these feelings leave me sad, insecure, and angry. i get mad at myself for letting it happen, for letting another one in when it will never be more than what it is. and  i get mad at the guy, who i expect more from. then i feel guilty, and then jaded and fucked up. it's pretty much a downward spiral.
i can't do it.
i won't do it.
i can't trust him. i can't trust that his words are not just words. i can't trust that he's really into me. and i can't trust when he gives me compliments. i can't trust that he doesn't have ulterior motives. i can't trust that he doesn't just want a piece. i can't even trust that he will ever actually call me again.
i can't trust him.
and what's even worse, is how i can't trust anyone that tries to tell me that i am good enough.
i just do not trust that i am.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

insecurities, fears, and telling them to fuck off.

9:30 friday night. i drive the five minutes over to his apartment, nervous, excited. i park, check my makeup, and make my way inside. i hear music playing lowly. i walk up the stairs, into his room. it's lit up with a single red lightbulb, highlighting the maroon walls and sheets. he's laying naked on the bed, and his face lights up into that amazing smile he has. i sit down and start kissing him.

he makes me feel beautiful. he makes me feel one of a kind. he makes me feel worthwhile. the very fact that a man as incredible as him, wants to spend his time with me, is an amazing feeling. because he is special. he's unlike any man i've ever met or known. he is centered, balanced, well rounded. he is incredibly good looking, athletic, successful. he is calming, flattering, and caring.

what is different about this man, is that he makes me want to be a better person. that is exactly what i have looked for, exactly what i long for. someone who encourages me to be the best supergirl i can be.

when we talked, he said he doesn't want to be a negative influence in my life. if, after i see him, i don't feel good, i need to tell him. he doesn't want me to feel that loneliness, emptiness, that i was trying to avoid and get away from by going on a "haitus." he said he wants me to feel good in more than just a sexual way. and i believe him. i believe he is trustworthy, that he means what he says to me. that is not easy for me, but with him it is. with him it comes naturally.

laying next to him, being intimate, is a little scary. i don't want to get attached and get hurt. but, as he said, it's so comfortable. it's so natural. it's so easy. it feels right. it feels good. and yet that little voice, the one i'd love to quiet, says i mustn't get too used to it. because life has taught me not to.

i told my therapist that i don't feel like i am good enough for a man like him. why do i feel that way? he tells me i am amazing. he tells me i'm beautiful and sexy. he wants to see me and talk to me and spend his time with me. so why, why, why do i feel that way? she asked if i was trying to convince him that i'm not good enough. i hope i'm not.

i am trying to just enjoy it. whatever may happen, whatever may come. i just want to enjoy what time we have together. not over think things. not over analyze things. just ride this feeling that he gives me as long as i can, and know that if it ends, if it goes away, i will be just fine. because i always am.

but my, how i want it to stay. how i want him to stay. time will tell. in the meantime i will continue to work on being the person i want to be. it's all i can do. i will be thankful for the feelings that he gives me, because they are so very rare and special. i will enjoy it this time. i will.